STA Travel Australia sent three mates, Rick Mereki, Andrew Lees and Tim White on an amazing journey around the world. See a six-week journey of a lifetime crammed into one epic minute.
Back To Old School
Check out the WINNER of the day!!!!!!
Fresh meat
You can’t see much of these anymore in the supermarkets.
The Life-sized Penguin
Who is cuter… Me or the penguin?
When The Lights Go Out…
Beautiful things happened in the darkness when the lights go out….
Mr Loo At Work
Mr Loo at work. Dun play play.
Will eFinancialCareers ever use us again?
We f***ed up! The iPad-like mailer we proudly designed, thinking it was clever, visually stunning and effective, was a disaster. The mailers turned up horribly produced. The “slider” portion (designed to slide just like swiping the iPad) didn’t work. It many cases, it remained stuck. The client — eFinancialCareers — complaint (rightly so) and I had a minor artery burst when I saw how bad the mailers were.
We quickly went into damage-control mode, dived down to the client’s and salvaged whatever we could. Sadly, only 150 out of 500 pieces were usable.
Called the printer without resorting to murder. Had them delivered 100pcs more as 250 mailers needed to be shipped to Shanghai the next day.
The next day (which is today), the new batch of iPads mailer turned up good. Had them delivered to the client and made it in time for DHL. Phew!
Spiltscreen: A Love Story
This is the winning entry for the Nokia Shorts 2011. It was shot entirely on the pocket-sized Nokia N8 on a budget of $5,000. Love the idea! Love the story! Love the film! Brilliant work JW Griffiths.
Splitscreen: A Love Story from JW Griffiths on Vimeo.
I totally agree with that Facebook comment… “Stunning!”
Help Japan Overcome
Disbelief. Sadness. Helplessness. Admiration. Compassion.
The world watches with a deluge of emotions since Japan got hit by an earthquake and tsunami last Friday. Houses swept and swallowed, cars and boats tossed about like toys, and towns of people buried without a trace, have shocked us as scenes of the situation unfold. To make matters worse, a possible nuclear blowout teeters as several reactors are damaged.
Our colleague, a photographer from Tokyo, had a scare when he could not contact his wife and family in Tokyo for several hours on Friday. Since then, he keeps tab of the situation with live video feeds on his iMac and constant calls. The danger of radioactive leaks has prompted him to get his wife and two-year-old son here as soon as possible. Just yesterday evening, this urgency heightens as another earthquake with a magnitude of 6 struck. This time at Shizuoka prefecture, which is just a few hours drive from Tokyo.
Much have been said about the resoluteness and stoic calmness of the Japanese people in the face of adversity. Experts have resounded that Japan is possibly the best prepared country for a natural calamity.
Yet, the country needs help like any other during difficult times.
We can help by donating to aid organisations such as Red Cross, getting our family and friends to do likewise, buying products of Japanese origin, or simply offering a prayer. These little gestures will help our Japanese neighbours recover from the catastrophic damage in the next few years.
Here are some ways to help out:
Donate $50 to the “Japan Disaster” fund by sms-ing to 75772.
Donate cash (or by cheque) to SRC directly at 15 Penang Lane, Singapore 238486 during the hours:
Mondays to Fridays 9.30am-9pm,
Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays 9.30am – 6pm.
For more information, visit this link
Groupon introduced an online offer to let customers donate $5, $10 or $25 to support emergency and relife efforts in Japan and other affected areas. All donations will be given to the Singapore Red Cross.
For more information, visit this link
Blu Jaz Cafe in conjunction with Mercy Relief, Media:Comm,Vivid Creations, Wayo-Kai Singapore and Ayaschool is holding a charity function tomorrow (17 March). The event named “Gambatte! Japan from Singapore” will raise funds and channel them through Mercy Relief.
For more informaton, visit this link
If you’re a fan of FramVille, CityVille or FrontierVille, you can help buy buying certain digital crops during your game. 100% of the proceeds from the purchase of radishes in FarmVille, sweet potatoes in CityVille, or kobe cows in FrontierVille will go towards Save the Children’s Japan Earthquake Tsunami Emergency Fund.
For more information, visit this link
Twitter has detailed ways you can help with the relief efforts. Not only have they updated Japan’s mobile website with the latest information on the disaster, but they have also published a list of hashtags to tweet and/or follow related to the crisis. Here are some key hashtags to remember:
#Jishin: focuses around general earthquake information
#Anpi: a hashtag for the confirmation of the safety of individuals or places
#Hinan: Evacuation information
#311care: a hashtag regarding medical information for the victims
#PrayforJapan: A general hashtag for support and best wishes for victims of the crisis
Some App Store developers and publishers are donating the entire proceeds of sales of their apps to the Japanese relief efforts for a limited time. Capcom is donating all proceeds from the sale of Super Street Fighter IV for the iPhone, which currently sells for $0.99 in the App Store, from Mar. 15 to Mar. 21. Japanese developer Motion Portrait, which has 12 iPhone apps for sale, has reduced the price of each to $0.99 and is donating all proceeds from all sales to relief efforts between now and Mar. 31. Tunemark Radio for the iPad is also donating all proceeds of the sales of its $0.99 app to the Red Cross and Salvation Army in support of Japan through Mar. 20.
For more info, click these links:
Download this “Help Japan Overcome” icon and stick it on your website or email. This would give your sphere of contacts an instant link on how to help. Click this link to download.
Everything Is Media
Noah Brier recently shared a fantastic presentation around the statement that everything is media. One of his slides drives home the point that iteration is essential to the future of marketing:
Try things and iterate. Face it, you’re not as good at predicting success as you think you are. It is well-established that things become popular mostly randomly. Sure you can spend against but even that isn’t a guarantee.
“Iterate” is just a jargony way of saying do more of what works and less of what doesn’t — and to do that, you need data. Check out this slide…
An incredible piece of film by Tony Zagoraios. Great motion design, lovely colour and exceptional typography.
Bearry Christmas
The Most Beautiful Seatbelt Advocacy Commercial Ever
No verbiage, no dialogue, no blood. Yet incredibly effective.
And it is beautiful and classy.
The Majestic Plastic Bag
Nine minutes long but every bit enthralling, this DDB-created mockumentary will appeal to every greenie and pro-tote bagger. Narrated by Jeremy Irons, the video depicts the life cycle of the plastic bag, from grocery store to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. An exceptionally beautiful piece of work for Southern California’s coastal environmental group, Heal the Bay.
Uniqlo Lucky Switch
Japanese clothing retailer, Uniqlo and its agency, local Tokyo shop IMG SRC, picked up the Grande Innova Lotus for Uniqlo’s “Lucky Switch” campaign, which embeds a branded widget on blogs and websites, converting every image on any site into Uniqlo lucky tickets as soon as the user flips the virtual switch. Watched and be awed.
Hot Chicks at Comic Convention
And to think comics were meant for kids. It’s no wonder that balding men in their 40s sporting ponytails are still into them.
Thank God for eBook Readers
What’s the possibilities that one can locate his/her book??
Space Saving Furniture
For those who live in tiny HDBs and harbour thoughts of upgrading to a good class bungalow so that you could have oodles of space to cavort about, here’s a solution: Space-saving furniture by Resource Furniture.
I must say they make stylish, clever and useful furniture. It really does save space! And is so apt for Mickey Mouse apartments that cost S$1,500 per sq ft. Now if only the price would save you as much as well. When you need to “request a quote” to know the price, it only means the price tag is leaning towards Good Class Bungalowers.
Dutch Football Federation – 2010 FIFA World Cup T-Shirt
Wonder Woman Gets A Makeover
I hear protests and howls from miles away. All of us creatures of habit would prefer Wonder Woman to stick to her bustier and hooker boots. Maybe, we just missed Linda Carter. But it’s official, DC Comics have given Wonder Woman pants and a biker jacket before she turns 70.